Fredric Mau

UKHC 2024 Speaker Videos: Fredric Mau – Hypnosis for Pain Relief

And so it begins! Today we start sharing our speaker videos in preparation for the 2024 UK Hypnosis Convention. And what better person to start with than our closing keynote speaker from 2023, Fredric Mau. Fredric will be back presenting in the main Waterloo Theatre on the Saturday of the convention at 9-10am.==Physical pain relief[…]

Fredric Mau

2022 UKHC Speakers: Fredric Mau – Hypnotic Technology for Pain Relief at Home

US mental health counselor and hypnotherapist Fredric Mau, along with colleague Dr Teny Henry Gomez will be presenting “Hypnotic Technology for Pain Relief at Home” this year. In this exclusive presentation, they will describe the first-ever randomised controlled human trial of virtual reality assisted guided imagery in a home setting. This process uses three hypnotic[…]

Mau and Gomez

2022 UKHC Speakers – Dr Teny Gomez and Fredric Mau: Hypnotic Technology for Pain Relief at Home

At this year’s UK Hypnosis Convention, we have a couple of presentations with two presenters. We welcome back a UKHC favourite, Fredric May who will be joined by his colleague Dr Teny Henry Gomez. They will present: “Hypnotic Technology for Pain Relief at Home – Virtual Reality Assisted Guided Imagery (VR-AGI) for Patients with Advanced[…]

UKHC 2019 Speaker Interviews – Fredric Mau

Fredric Mau is a Clinical Mental Health Counselor and has just been named Outstanding Counsellor by the South Carolina Counseling Association. He speaks on psychotherapeutic counselling and clinical hypnosis all around the world. This year Frederic will be giving a 2-hour presentation on The Three Doors: The Core Protocol to Treat Anxiety. In this interview,[…]