UKHC19 Lightning Talks

The lightning talks were a new addition to the UKHC last year and a big success. This year we hope to make them even better by hosting them in a more relaxed area away from the formality of the main presentation rooms.

Designed to give those who haven’t spoken at the convention before an opportunity to present. They get to deliver a concise 20 minute presentation on a topic of their choice to a convention audience.

No slide shows, no fancy presentations, just a really clear and concise message that we hope will leave you wanting more.

Grab yourself a drink and come and join us for what promises to be a stimulating, enjoyable and fast-paced way to spend your Friday night at the convention.

Interested in attending? You do not need to book to attend Lightning Talks, you can drop in/out as you like and all Friday, Saturday and 3 Day Convention Ticket holders are welcome.

As with all convention events, there are restrictions on the number of people who can attend based on the theatre/room safe maximum occupancy set by the venue. All seats are available on a first come, first served basis.

Friday 8th November 2019
