UKHC 2024 Speakers: Ian Fielder – Beware of the Gas Lighter!

Ian Fielder

Ian is another new face joining our 2024 speaker schedule in November. He’ll be presenting at 2.4pm in the Blackfriars room…

Helping the Empath to Extinguish the Flame

The presentation will focus on how a narcissist operates and the devastating effect it has on the empath (their victim). The Clash’s 1980s hit single, ‘Should I stay or should I go’ and the chorus; ‘Should I stay or should I go now? If I go, there will be trouble. And if I stay, it will be double’. epitomizes the terrible dilemma faced by the person who is being gaslit. I will use case studies to demonstrate how we can help the empath and suggest practical treatments to improve self-esteem and confidence. I will support my presentation with evidence and studies to determine that narcissists have insight into their personality and reputation. I will show why narcissists rarely change, mostly because they don’t want to because they choose their lifestyle due to their lack of self-awareness. I will help dispel why some research shows that if narcissists received true feedback, they would change.

I will help the audience to recognize the signs that their client maybe is an empath. They are gradually caught like a fly in a spider’s web, allowing the gaslighter to begin their controlling behaviour then. There can be obvious tell-tale signs like the narcissist dictating where and with whom they socialize.

Ian Fielder is an accredited NCH hypnotherapist specializing in working with people who wish to dramatically improve their lives. He runs the Hampshire Centre for the UK Academy of Therapeutic Arts and Sciences running courses for the NCH HPD diploma, NCH Approved Supervisor and the Academy’s Advanced diploma course, DipCAH. Ian is an approved therapist with Anxiety UK and is a volunteer answering their national helpline. Ian is a former National Leader of Governance (NLG) appointed by the DfE, working with schools to help raise the level of education. He is also a trainer of hypnotherapists with the UK Academy of Therapeutic Arts and Sciences. He trains hypnotherapists to diploma level and is a trained clinical supervisor

Hear more from Ian in this video clip.

Further information, full schedule and tickets can be purchased here at the convention website.