2022 UKHC Speakers: Michael Beligiannis and Mads Aggerholm – Hypnosis War

Michael Beligiannis & Shin Mads Aggerholm

Our other presentation with two presenters promises to be a real treat. Michael Beligiannis and Mads Aggerholm present “Hypnosis War – The Battle of Ideas – the Mini Convention in the Convention.”

Mads and Michael differ heavily in theoretical standpoints and the rationales of hypnosis and their approaches. Always discussing and commenting on each other’s practice. Occasionally they agree, smile and laugh together. Mads sees hypnosis as a special state, uses shock inductions to activate it. Michael leans towards CBH and nonstate but still loves the artistic side. Enough said.

They will give hypnotic demonstrations, counter-arguments and hopefully show you that hypnosis is not dogma. Hear what they have to say here…

Further information on this presentation and details about ticket purchasing can be found on this website.