Working With Overwhelming Emotions

Sarah Mortimer

Presented by

Sarah Mortimer

Emotions are powerful! They are a part of life but very often, we struggle with how to deal with the ‘negative’ ones effectively. For some, they can become truly overwhelming.

In this presentation you will:
  • Gain a greater understanding of what emotions are, what they are for, the kinds of emotions your clients might have, and what clients might experience overwhelming emotions
  • Learn about primary and secondary emotions and the window of tolerance and how you can utilise these to best help your client
  • Explore bottom-up and top-down approaches in order to understand the best approach to working with clients who are unable to regulate their emotions
  • Look at general considerations when working with clients with difficult emotions such as normalising and validating emotions, self-care, making way for positive emotions, reflecting on triggers, and self-soothing
  • Hear about specific evidence-based techniques drawn from the third wave behavioural therapies such as Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)
  • Refresh and tailoring of hypnotherapy techniques that you are already familiar with to use with clients for this issue
  • Find out how to deal with a client who is emotionally overwhelmed in session

By the end of this presentation, you will have greater knowledge and understanding of emotions and how to help your clients in this area.

Sarah is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and runs a busy online practice, as well as working in the NHS as a Social Prescriber. She is a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) and is trained in Applied Suicide Intervention (ASIST). In addition to seeing clients, she is also a classroom assistant on the Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma run by The Anglo European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis in Bournemouth, and Director for the UK Hypnotherapy Council, organisers of the UK Hypnosis Convention.

1 hour presentation
14:45 - 15:45

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