Navigating the Nexus: Exploring Trauma, Autoimmunity, and Chronic Illness

Abbey Robb

Presented by

Abbey Robb

In this talk, we’ll explore the relationship between trauma and chronic illness, with a focus on autoimmunity. Many of us encounter clients with chronic health issues, and gaining a grounding in the ‘whys’ behind their lived experiences can aid us in supporting our clients more effectively. We will cover a spectrum of hypnotherapeutic techniques tailored to manage chronic illness, offering hope and empowerment to those navigating these complex conditions.

When people don’t feel safe, they often lose communication with their bodies. We’ll also explore research that examines the connections between issues with interoception and constructing effective pain management strategies. This will enable better outcomes for your clients as intra-body communication strengthens and will allow you to feel confident that you have a number of different tools in your kit to best support the most complex and vulnerable clients.

Abbey is a dynamic presenter blending psychology, community mental health, counseling, and solution-focused brief therapy with information about hypnotherapy techniques. Fueled by a neurodivergent passion and self-interest, Abbey has spent decades reading and researching the mental health aspects of chronic illness management and her practice specialises in working with late-diagnosed neurodivergent people and the chronically ill.

1 hour presentation
15:30 - 16:30

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