Hypnotherapy and NLP for Sports Performance

Jimmy Petruzzi

Presented by

Jimmy Petruzzi

Elite athletes know that there is as little as a 1% difference between being the best, and being at the back of the field. This seminar is a simple, concise and ground-breaking guide to Hypnotherapy and NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming and other techniques that can give you that extra 1%, whether in sports, business or life in general

What the seminar will cover:
Power of Visualisation and Imagery
Athletes use visualisation to focus on how they want the outcome
of a competition or training session to go. This helps the athlete stay
relaxed, focused and confident.

Getting in the Zone:
Learn how to be in the right state of mind at the right time. Whether
you’re teeing off or making a big putt in golf, taking a penalty in
football or making a kick for goal in rugby, getting into the right
mental state at the right time is key

Jimmy Petruzzi MSc is a world-renowned high-performance coach, hypnotherapist and NLP trainer, award-winning coach, bestselling author, award-winning speaker, developer of cognitive reprocessing, radio broadcaster, musician, committee member communications officer and Co Chair elect for the North West England BPS British Psychological Society, editor for BPS British Psychological Society North of England Bulletin Jimmy Petruzzi was a candidate for The British Psychological Society President Elect role 2022. He also works as a coach for Barnsley Women's Football Club, Australasian Soccer Academy and Bacup Borough Football Club.

1 hour presentation
08:30 - 09:30

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