Sophie Fletcher

UKHC 2024 Speakers: Sophie Fletcher – The Teenagers Toolkit – Exam Success

We are delighted that Sophie returns this year… Practical tools for teenagers that help tackle exam gremlins and boost memory This session aims to give you tools to boost confidence in teens taking exams. Alongside some self-hypnosis tools to boost calm, I’ll teach you some simple metaphors and show you my own take on the[…]

James Tripp and Ravi Mayer

UKHC 2024 Friday Night Live: James Tripp & Ravi Mayar – Trick Linguistics: Stoned on Language

Each year at the UKHC, we arrange something different and stimulating for our Friday night live event. We are thrilled to have a unique two-hour workshop on offer for our attendees in the main Waterloo suite this year…. UKHC 2024 Friday Night Live: James Tripp & Ravi Mayar – Trick Linguistics: Stoned on Language In[…]