Howard Cooper

2023 UKHC Speakers: Howard Cooper – The Most Common Yet MOST mistreated Symptom of Anxiety…

It is a major skill to finely balance being entertaining while also delivering high quality information and training during a presentation – one person who does it beautifully is Howard Cooper who returns to the UK Hypnosis Convention this year. I (Adam) have found myself belly laughing and then having deep “ah-ha” moments when watching his presentations at previous conventions.

Howard Cooper is known for helping people create RAPID shifts in their thinking and over the last 20 years he has worked with 1000s of individuals. He rejects the notion that deep & lasting change has to take a long time and, over the years he’s seen some incredible transformations. He has worked on ‘Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Without Fear’ course, writes magazine columns, talks about change on LBC and even hosts his own podcast (Rapid Change Matters) to name a few. All this has gone into the “melting pot” that is Howard’s experience which he is now keen to share with others in the business.

Howard’s presentation is titled: “The Most Common Yet MOST Mistreated Symptom Of Anxiety…. … AND HOW to help your clients overcome it!”


Whilst many of the YouTube videos I make (to help people with anxiety) currently get around 300-500 views each, there is one topic that’s exploded with over 40,000+ views and over 500+ comments from anxiety sufferers saying, things along the lines of:

“Finally someone’s talking about this”…“I’ve been suffering with this for years and no one knows how to treat it”…“my doctors and therapists don’t know how to help me… thank you for finally giving me some relief!”.

What does this tell us? Simple…

There’s a hugely common issue that resonates with thousands of anxiety sufferers out there AND very few people are talking about! There is a HUGE opportunity to help them!

(In fact, I’m now running group programs and 1-on-1 sessions specifically to help people with this issue with great success AND… very little competition!)

Many sufferers have been telling me that NOT only have most change-workers NOT known how to help them effectively, but therapists (who don’t understand this issue) have ended up making them worse.

So come along and learn the truth about AIR HUNGER… (the sensation that you are not taking in enough oxygen – literally being hungry for air). In fact, apparently, up to 82% of anxiety sufferers can have some breathing dysfunction patterns that can cause this AND one of the worst things you can do is to tell people to take deep breaths!

As an ex-anxiety sufferer myself I struggled terribly with this and was sent to respiratory consultants, had lung function tests and everyone just said, “It’s anxiety” and to “take deep breaths”.

But guess what? Taking deep breaths made things worse!

I want to reveal, the true cause behind anxiety-based air hunger… AND exactly how you can treat this effectively without making it worse. Essentially, this is helping you understand how we can better aim our hypno-therapeutic toolkit at this issue and finally be able to offer people effective help.

Hear from Howard in this video.

Full details about Howard Cooper, his presentation and how to buy tickets can all be found here at the UKHC website.