Amye Scharlau

2022 UKHC Speakers: Amye Scharlau – “Drawing” Conclusions: The Art and Hypnosis Connection

We are really proud to be announcing another exclusive presentation at this year’s UKHC. US based Amye Scharlaureturns to the UK Hypnosis Convention to debut her presentation – “Drawing” Conclusions: The Art and Hypnosis Connection.

Combine the joy of art with the science of hypnosis for client change. Amye uses her art degree to create colouring pages used in conjunction with hypnosis processes to engage the mind on several levels. Receive colouring pages for weight loss, fears, and relaxation to be used with your own clients. Also, learn how the art and surroundings of your physical office can be used as metaphors for change.

Amye Scharlau is from Minnesota and graduated with a double major in art and theater from St. Catherine’s University and was the recipient of two NASA space grants. She is currently in graduate school to earn her advanced degrees in Mental Health Counseling. Amye exhibits exceptional skill as both a clinical and stage hypnotist. Hear from her here in this video…

Further information and details about ticket purchase can be found here on this website.