Martin S Taylor

2023 UKHC Speakers: Martin S Taylor – Stage Hypnosis – An Annotated Show

Another familiar face at the UK Hypnosis Convention, we welcome back Martin S Taylor who is going to be delivering the Friday night slot this year, whereby he’ll be explaining and unpicking one of his stage hypnosis shows… The Friday evening slot is a chance for us to grab a drink and discuss afterwards together in the bar at the end of our first day of the convention. I (Adam) can’t wait for this…

“I became interested in hypnosis in 1979, and gave a lecture-demonstration at Imperial College in 1981. This was so successful I was invited back repeatedly. Word spread, and I have performed regularly (and, for the last 30 years, professionally) at numerous universities and schools. Eschewing the ‘trance’ model of stage hypnosis, I give a lecture-demo rather than a show, explaining to audiences that the effects are produced almost exclusively through suggestion, peer pressure, and obedience.”

Martin’s Friday night presentation is titled: “Stage Hypnosis – An Annotated Show”

Last year Martin gave a lecture on how to present hypnosis on stage, based on his thirty years as a professional entertainer. In this year’s presentation, he will revisit the ideas he introduced in 2022 by playing a video of his full stage show. As the video progresses he’ll be pausing and commenting on the action so that he can highlight the importance of certain suggestions, commands and actions.

This presentation will draw heavily on last year’s lecture, but it isn’t necessary to have watched it, as Martin will give a brief recap at the beginning and will emphasise salient points from that talk as he goes along.

Hear from Martin in this video.

Full details about Martin S Taylor presentation and how to buy tickets can all be found here at the UKHC website.