UKHC24 Event Team

Our Vision

The public’s understanding of hypnosis and clinical applications of hypnosis is typically full of misinformation and myths. A lot of these are perpetuated in the media and many are also rehashed in poor standard hypnosis training. Adam initially sought to take this event over as a means of raising training standards, an outlet to disseminate research and promote the evidence-base of hypnosis and ultimately seek to raise training standards and enhance the public image of hypnosis.

Therefore, one of the main goals of the convention is to give hypnosis professionals access to a curated range of lectures and training sessions within a safe environment of acceptance of new ideas, tolerance of differing positions and where critical thinking is championed.

We promote diversity and inclusivity as much as possible, whereby we welcome stage performers as well as academics, researchers and clinicians. We aim to balance theory, practical skills, pioneering techniques and experimental approaches while avoiding unsubstantiated claims and anything that could bring the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy into disrepute.

Rather than seeking to discredit specific approaches, we encourage change by exposure to and promotion of our ethos.