UKHC 2024 Speakers: Nick Davies – Healing Traumatic Grief

Nick Davies

We are delighted that Nick Davies returns for the 2024 UK Hypnosis Convention…

How to Process Unresolved Grief

In 2006 one of my best friends I’d known since School hung himself, out of nowhere it seemed, which hit me hard, as my cousin had done the same years earlier.

I can only describe it as being hit by a double decker bus in the face, and again, every time you think of them. Nothing seemed to alleviate the grief, I tried loads of different therapies, even contacting my friends in the Police who have to deal with these cases a lot.

Since losing these two people suddenly, I became obsessed about learning how to process this sudden shock.

And the things I found that work, that I use with my clients regularly, I’m going to share with you (if you make the right decision to choose my presentation!)

I’m also going to do a live demonstration healing someone’s traumatic grief who hasn’t been able to process their grief for a number of years, and do a group Guided Visualisation for attendees that may have lost someone but wanted to feel a connection or communicate with them on a metaphorical, unconscious or spiritual level.

Like last year, I will handle everything with humility, kindness and integrity.

Nick is a well-respected psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, trainer and speaker in the UK, Europe and USA. He is known as “The PTSD Whisperer” because of his specialism in treating PTSD and trauma quickly and permanently. Nick is also owner/director of the Warwickshire School of Hypnotherapy and runs Nick Davies Sports Psychology where he specialises working with sportsmen and women from grassroots up to GB and International level.

Hear more from Nick in this video clip.

Further information, full schedule and tickets can be purchased here at the convention website.