Michal Cieslakowski

UKHC 2024 Speakers: Michał Cieślakowski – Hipno’oponopono

We are delighted that Michał is back in our speaker line-up this year…

A great hypnotherapist draws knowledge from various sources and adapts it to therapeutic processes.

I combined one of the elements of Hawaiian Huna healing techniques with hypnotherapeutic forgiveness techniques.

It provides much greater relief for clients with a more transparent and understandable process.

My key was an in-depth analysis of the scientific approach to the human psyche, hundreds of hypnotherapy sessions conducted in which the element of forgiveness was included, and the principles followed by Hawaiian kahunas.

After many successes, I shared my discovery with my partner.

Together, we have improved this technique and created a version that is probably the first in the world to be a “joint self-hypnosis” technique for couples (and pairs of people in other relationships), which can also be used for hypnotherapy in the office.

Let me teach you this technique step by step and the most important principles I have accumulated over the years.

Principles, the understanding of which will give you knowledge about what determines the effectiveness of the forgiveness process in hypnotherapy.

As a bonus, you’ll also get a version of this technique that you can use to strengthen your mental muscles.

Invited many times as a presenter to the most important universities in Poland, to the largest polish radio and TV stations, to 6 different international hypnosis conventions and to the most successful commercial companies. Author of 7 specialistic hypnosis workshop programs that he teaches to doctors, businessmen, therapists and to a wide audience. He has hypnotized several thousand people on a global scale and trained several hundred. Host of “Masters of Hypnosis” workshops in Poland.

Hear more from Michał in this video clip.

Further information, full schedule and tickets can be purchased here at the convention website.