UKHC 2024 Speakers: Dr Kate Beaven-Marks – Magical Metaphors

Kate Beaven-Marks

We welcome back the familiar face of Dr Kate Beaven-Marks to the UK Hypnosis Convention this year. She’ll be presenting about Creating Your own Metaphors for Change at 11.15-12.15 on Saturday of the convention this year.

Therapy metaphors use stories or tales to offer one or more perspectives of a situation. Stories are nothing new. Every culture has a history of using metaphors. Yet, as children or adults, we tend to relax when we listen to a story. After all, it is just a story.

From a therapy perspective, clients can connect to different aspects of the metaphor to take what is most appropriate. They can be used to help clients understand concepts, challenge or establish a belief, offer alternatives, and give a symbolic interpretation for the client to connect to.

This session will explore different styles of therapeutic metaphors and delivery methods. Then, we will dive into a tried and tested 5 step process for creating therapeutic metaphors. Participants will then get to create their own therapeutic metaphor.

Dr Kate Beaven-Marks is an enthusiastic, experienced clinical hypnotist, trainer, presenter and author. Her far-reaching knowledge, extensive studies, and research are applied in professional settings and a busy hypnotherapy practice. She is passionate about the hypnotherapy profession and raising education standards. Founder of both HypnoTC and Hypnosis-Courses, as well as teaching EMDR and hypnotherapy, she is a sought-after clinical supervisor and has an active role on the Profession Specific Board for Hypnotherapy with the CNHC.

Hear more from Kate in this video clip.

Further information, full schedule and tickets can be purchased here at the convention website.