Another UKHC 2024 announcement….
This year, our Friday night live event features an exciting collaboration. From 7pm to 9pm on the new stage of the Waterloo Suite, James Tripp and Ravi Mayar will be offering something special….
Trick Linguistics: Stoned on Language
In this two-hour presentation Ravi Mayar and James Tripp will be showing you how you can create amnesias and other odd experiences, on the fly, using language (and perhaps a dash of non-verbal communication) alone. No trance inductions, just direct ‘mind magic’. But for what purpose? That part will be down to you; they will just be giving you the tools!
There’ll be more details here on the UKHC website when the full 2024 schedule goes live. After the first day’s lectures and presentations, grab a drink and join us at this year’s UKHC Friday Night live. It was a full house last year.
Purchase tickets here on the convention website.