2019 is here and we can start to get excited about this year’s convention. We have some incredible speaker applications being submitted at the moment (if you are yet to apply as a speaker and plan on doing so, please do so soon) and we are already certain that this year’s event is going to be of the highest standard. Whilst there are likely to be familiar faces presenting, we also have some very different speakers, including a number of major University lecturers, Professors, academic authors and Researchers who will present at this year’s event with the singular aim of advancing your education, knowledge, skill and business acumen as a hypnosis professional or student.
Today’s big announcement is that tickets are now on sale! Full details are on this page:
For anyone investing in a ticket before our speakers are announced, we offer you a 15% early bird discount – use the coupon code EARLYBIRD. As soon as our speakers are announced, this early bird discount code will no longer work. Reserve your seat at this year’s must-attend event for hypnotherapy professionals and students of the field alike.
Please do share this.
Very best wishes to you and Happy New Year,
From the UK Hypnosis Convention team.
Ps. Grab your early bird priced ticket today: