The Power of Persuasive Presentations

From the Losers Loop to the Winners circle

Presented by

Jason Simmons

Does the thought of promoting yourself and your practice make you nervous or anxious? Do you have the personality and attitude to connect with people, secure their confidence, and ultimately their business?

Glossophobia or a fear of public speaking adversely impacts 75% of the population. Effective Public speaking is at the heart of a successful practice and many hypnotherapists find themselves lacking confidence (stunting their growth) in this area despite spending £1000s on courses & events.

This presentation is the product of Jason’s vast experience working as a practitioner, stand–up comedian, magician, and hypnotist

Jason Simmons is a stage hypnotist, comedian, magician and musician and has been performing in a variety of venues across the UK circuit for more than a decade. He is a regular performer for Haven, Butlins, David Lloyd leisure clubs, Mecca bingo halls and many other venues across the United Kingdom. He uses hypnosis to entertain, engage and motivate people and will demonstrate his strategies to supercharge your presentations taking your practice to the next level.

1 hour presentation
10:00 - 11:00

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