Jimmy Petruzzi

Hypnotherapy and NLP for Sports Performance

Elite athletes know that there is as little as a 1% difference between being the best, and being at the back of the field. This seminar is a simple, concise and ground-breaking guide to Hypnotherapy and NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming and other techniques that can give you that extra 1%, whether in sports, business or life in general

What the seminar will cover:
Power of Visualisation and Imagery
Athletes use visualisation to focus on how they want the outcome
of a competition or training session to go. This helps the athlete stay
relaxed, focused and confident.

Getting in the Zone:
Learn how to be in the right state of mind at the right time. Whether
you’re teeing off or making a big putt in golf, taking a penalty in
football or making a kick for goal in rugby, getting into the right
mental state at the right time is key