Hypnosis and Pop Culture!

Amye Scharlau

Presented by

Amye Scharlau

This is by far my most popular presentation! Prepare to laugh and learn! Explore the most common misperceptions of hypnosis as shown by popular media across the globe and where they originated. Participants will be able to build better rapport with their clients by knowing what information they have been exposed to, how to respectfully correct misinformation, and build positive images of hypnotists and hypnosis.

Amye Scharlau is certified as an instructor in hypnosis by two internationally recognized organizations, as well as being an international speaker. She holds degrees in art and theater! Her presentations are lively and interactive, prepare to learn and have fun! She brings her training, experience, exceptional interpersonal skills, and the joy of healing into every presentation. Her clients are successful losing weight, stopping smoking, dealing with stress, building confidence, and navigating through life.

1 hour presentation
11:15 - 12:15

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