Child Hypnotherapy Rocks!

Join Me on the Booming Child Hypnotherapy Market!

Barbara Scholl

Presented by

Barbara Scholl

Should you consider entering this booming market?

Are you a professionally trained hypnotherapist who truly cares for kids & teens? Do you connect easily with kids on a private basis? Barbara Scholl will give you concrete insight into the field so that you will walk out of her presentation knowing the answer you have been looking for.

Barbara teaches the HypnoKids® method on a worldwide basis and puts all her spotlights on child hypnotherapy. Experience her passion, and be ready for it to swap over to you. It will not only enrich your therapy life – it will also touch your heart.

Be there. You are needed.

Barbara Scholl has put all her spotlights on kids and teens hypnotherapy. She trains the HypnoKids® method to hypnotherapists all over Europe and Brazil and as of 2020 also in the U.S. When she teaches her comprehensive method her passion for what she does will just swap over to you. Barbara grew up in Switzerland, Brazil and the U.S. She loves to connect and is a people person. She believes in cross-training and is open-minded to all methods and philosophies who help kids and teens out there. Barbara is passionate and focused and ready to share her rich know-how to all who care.

2 hour presentation
08:45 - 10:30

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