The self-hypnosis laboratory

How to be a better subject, and build your own self-hypnosis practice.

Anthony Jacquin

Presented by

Anthony Jacquin

After training, many hypnotists seem to stop making progress as subjects, as if their hypnosis ability is fixed. Many don’t commit to the regular use of self-hypnosis in their daily life.

In this lecture you will be encouraged to re-engage as the subject; to treat yourself as your own self-hypnosis laboratory; and build a regular self-hypnosis practice.

Anthony Jacquin is an experienced hypnotist. His extensive work covers therapy, performance and training. He is the author of Reality is Plastic and has produced many other hypnosis products. Along with his father Freddy Jacquin, runs the Jacquin Hypnosis Academy.

1 hour presentation
10:45 - 11:45

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