Howard Cooper

2022 UKHC Speaker: Howard Cooper – The Willingness Ladder

Howard Cooper will be presenting “The Willingness Ladder: 6 questions to go from “I don’t want that experience” to “I can look forward to it”” at this year’s UK Hypnosis Convention.

Howard is known for helping people create RAPID shifts in their thinking and over the last 20 years he has worked with 1000s of individuals. He rejects the notion that deep & lasting change has to take a long time and, over the years he’s seen some incredible transformations. He has worked on ‘Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Without Fear’ course, writes magazine columns, talks about change on LBC and even hosts his own podcast (Rapid Change Matters) to name a few.

Increasingly in his work, he uses something that Howard refers to as the ‘willingness ladder’. This is a series of 6 questions and frames that are designed to help people discover they don’t have to get rid of thoughts in order to experience relief. In this presentation, he is going to share these 6 questions with you!

In this video, Howard gives a flavour of what we can expect…

Further information and details of how to buy tickets can be found on this website.