The Experience of Hypnosis in the Neurodiverse Brain

Is Trance Experienced Differently in Neurotypical Brains?

Rachel Gillibrand

Presented by

Dr Rachel Gillibrand

Using EEG I will present images of the brain in trance in people with diagnoses of neurodiversity. We will compare the brain responses of those who are considered neurodiverse to those of people who consider themselves to be neurotypical and discuss the similarities and differences as they progress through different elements of trance. We will then consider the applications of this knowledge to our practice of trance and hypnotherapy.

Dr Rachel Gillibrand is a Health Psychologist and Clinical Hypnotherapist who worked in academia for 20 years. Rachel has been conducting research into what happens in the brain during trance since becoming a hypnotherapist 9 years ago and uses EEG to measure the changes in different areas of the brain in particular associated with emotion and creativity.

1 hour presentation
10:00 - 11:00

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