Active Flow-Hacking through and for hypnosis

How Flow-experience enhances hypnosis and how Flow-experience is fostered by hypnosis

Claude Ribaux

Presented by

Claude André Ribaux

We look at 17 or more flow state triggers driving our attention into ‘THE DEEP NOW’ a state of present heightened focus becoming more commonly known as “The Flow State”

By including some of these triggers, you can push yourself into a state of peak performance. This will increase whatever activity you are in, and your creativity, innovation, learning, and memory will all be enhanced.

This means: productivity enhanced by 5, creativity tripled.

The individual quality of flow triggers can be identified during hypnosis. They also serve to deepen or intensify the hypnotic experience as well as promotor of learning in hypnosis.

Trained as a social scientist, Claude André Ribaux was originally engaged as manager of international public health initiatives, mainly working for the international Red Cross movement, where much of his time was in project development and working as a consultant in change processes and conflict transformation in complex political environments. He initiated his own training organisation in 1991 and started work as a full time coach and therapist in 1998. His experience was used in many Asian countries such as Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mongolia, Sri Lanka. Today he runs his own coaching and training organisation in Switzerland, and is specialised in teaching active-alert hypnosis. Over the past 25 years he has conducted far more than 20,000 therapy and coaching sessions and provided hundreds of days of training.

2 hour presentation
17:00 - 18:45

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